ASKLEPIY Distribution

Supplier Information

Мы предоставляем полный перечень логистических услуг, в том числе таможенную очистку и декларирование фармацевтического груза.

Это позволяет оптимизировать работу склада, самую низкую и самую быструю процедуру растаможки и отгрузки товаров.

Expand your business with us

14 branches
We have over 15,769 m² of warehouse space nationwide, enabling us to quickly deliver goods to all regions
Comprehensive support
We provide full documentary and logistical support for all our partners
92 vehicles
The company has a large fleet, allowing goods to be delivered to all branches in the shortest possible time
31 years of experience
To date, we deliver more than 6,000 pharmaceutical products from over 400 manufacturers worldwide
ASKLEPIY Distribution market share – 8% with a 100% turnover growth in 2023
over $100 million
Offer a product ico

По всей стране 6000+ клиентов

  • 486

    Andijan Region

  • 435

    Bukhara Region

  • 166

    Jizzakh Region

  • 656

    Kashkadarya Region

  • 632

    Navoi Region

  • 488

    Namangan Region

  • 492

    Samarkand Region

  • 427

    Surkhandarya Region

  • 427

    Syrdarya Region

  • 1433

    Tashkent Region

  • 490

    Fergana Region

  • 422

    Khorezm Region

  • 226

    Republic of Karakalpakstan

Marketing support

What it consists of ico

Offer Products

To submit your proposals, use the form or send it to the email address:


Product Name




Phone Number
